Certificate of Youth Development and Social Justice


The 18-credit certificate program was designed to help you understand the unique challenges facing adolescents and young adults in our rapidly changing world.  适用于辅导员, 教育工作者, 家庭治疗师, social workers and other professionals dedicated to serving the developmental needs of youth in contemporary society, the program provides an overview of the major issues that impact youth development from a social justice perspective.

Students enter our program with the desire to nurture the adolescents and youth of their community; they graduate with the skills and knowledge to do so effectively. The program can be completed for 18 undergraduate credits or a non-credit professional development certificate.

在我们的合作中, 以学生为中心的学习环境, you will learn about the factors that contribute to positive youth development, 以及如何在同伴群体中培养他们, 家庭, 社区, 以及社会制度, thereby reducing risk for poor developmental outcomes. 

Courses focus on normative and maladaptive patterns of adolescent development, the social ecology of positive youth development, 全球视野下的少年司法, 以及预防方法, 干预和恢复性司法.

注册学分证书课程, participants are required to have previously earned at least 60 college credits.


  • Professionals working in youth development programs, 学校, and organizations serving adolescent and young adult populations
  • Adult students interested in pursuing such professions
  • 学校和家庭顾问
  • 教师和行政人员
  • 转行的


  • Improves your knowledge of normative and maladaptive patterns of development
  • 提高你对同行的了解, 家庭, community and institutional contexts of adolescent development
  • Increases your awareness of how culture, gender, ethnicity and class contribute to youth development
  • Provides specific skills for creating and delivering evidence-based programs that nurture positive youth development
  • A powerful addition to your resume, helping you stand out in the crowd of job applicants
  • A door opener to a multitude of careers in youth development, 包括青少年行为健康, 教育, 和修正.


  • Contributes to organizational efforts aimed at developing, 实现, and assessing intervention and prevention programs
  • Improves the effectiveness of 教育al, intervention and prevention programs,
  • Provides a context for building relationships with individuals from other youth agencies and institutions in the community
  • Supports the vision and mission of the organization
  • Builds a "bench strength" of effective current or future organizational leaders
  • Supports your employee retention efforts through higher 教育al opportunities



HD FS 239 (GS)青少年发展 (3学分) Social, behavioral, and biological development and intervention throughout adolescence.

crij 013 (GS) (SOC 013)青少年犯罪 (3学分)青少年行为, 犯罪的原因, current methods of treatment; organization and function of agencies concerned with delinquency.

HD FS 397 (Special Topics) Juvenile Corrections in Global Perspective. Comparative exploration of juvenile justice systems worldwide, 包括青少年法, 预防和干预方法, organization and functions of juvenile justice agencies, 和宣传.

Choose 9 credits, at least 6 of which must be at the 400-level:

SOC 005 (GS)社会问题 (3学分)
当前经济等社会问题, 种族, and gender inequalities; social deviance and crime; population, 环境, 能源, 健康问题.

HD FS 301 Values and Ethics in Health and Human Development Professions (3学分)
Examines bases for choices among values in personal and professional relations in human development processes and supporting services.

HD FS 410社区和家庭 (3学分)
家庭与社区互动, emphasizing strategies for intervention to solve 家庭-community problems.

HD FS 411帮助关系 (3学分)
Theory and research related to interpersonal conditions which facilitate personal growth; intensive interpersonal competency training.

HD FS 414 Resolving Human Development and Family Problems (3学分)
策略, 以及专业专家的角色, the solution of problems in human development and 家庭 functioning.

HD FS 432 Development Problems in Childhood and Adolescence (3学分)
Analysis of problems in individual development from infancy through adolescence; prevention and modification of developmental difficulties.

HD FS 433 Developmental Transition to Adulthood (3学分)
Conceptual analysis and empirical investigation of interrelationships between developmental processes during the period of pubertal growth.

少年司法制度. (3学分)
Historical and contemporary view of the juvenile justice system. Focus on analyzing components of the system, their interactions, processing, and handling of youths.

The program can be completed for 18 undergraduate credits.

For more information, please contact the Continuing Education office at 宾州州立大学白兰地酒:
610-892-1300或电子邮件: (电子邮件保护).